I running turnigy graphene 1300mah 4s 65c packs on by build.
I’ve changed from turnigy nano-tech 1300mah 4s 45-90c packs.
I’m begining to think my nano-tech lipos didn’t have the power to max out my motors or ESCs but the higher rated graphene pack does and thats whats causing the them to burn?
Older littlebee 's were knowned to burn due to Dumped Light peeks. A capacitor on the battery line usually solved that problem. I have a capacitor on all my quads and never had a burned esc
I’m already running a 25v 1000uf capacitor on the PDB input directly on the XT60 connector.
I never had this problem until I switched to the graphene packs.
Just ordered 4 Chaos 30amp ESCs. 
Hoping this will fix my burning issue and allow me to try out Dshot as well.
Win - Win
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I’ve had these ESCs fitted now for a little over two weeks. Set them up with Dshot 600.
Reduced my prop wash without having changed anything but with any hardware change its good to update your PIDs.
They don’t even get warm on my build, I haven’t burned any out unlike my old littlebee’s.
They are a little heaver than my old littlebee 20amp but then these are 30amp so thats to be expected.
My motors spin up so smoothly at a much lower throttle input
For the price and the full range of protocol support and bheli_s. These will now be my ESCs of choice.
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I have just fitted them on my Tarot 650 with Emax MT4008 380kv motors, so far they work very well.
I still can’t belive how small and light they are.
Hey man, how did you manage to set up dshot on them. I have a clean flight sp racing f4 mini FC flashed with latest 4.3 beta flight and I spent all day trying to do it. The only way I could get them to show up was going back to clean flight but It still wouldn’t let me use dshot. Any help would be awesome. Oh and I have the 20 A chaos esc’s. I should have said, sorry
Try flashing the ESC’s with the latest firmware.
I can’t remember if DShot needs a new version or not.
Also… I’m still running my first set of Chaos ESCs on my builds:)
Everything is on latest versions. Is it possible that the flight controller isn’t capable of it?
I wouldn’t have thought so.
Running BF 4.0.3 and the lastest version of BLHeli
So should be able to change the motor protocol to Dshot 600 then click save and reboot.
Have you tried spinning the motors in either BF and BLheli using the motor tab ( WITH YOUR PROPS OFF ) ?
OK, Fixed it!
For SP Racing F3 MINI and Unmanned Tech Chaos 20A ESC’s.
- Fresh flash of ESC’s to latest firmware. For me on C-H15, 16.7
- Fresh flash and full chip erase on Betaflight Back to firmware 3.4.0
- Calibrated ESC’s In Multishot = Multishot runs all 4 motors without any twitching. nice and smooth.
- Switched to DShot 600
- Re-soldered Motor 4 signal wire only to PPM pad
- In CLI Type,
resource ppm none
- return
resource motor 4 B04
- return
- return
- Check motor function in motors tab.
- Jump around the room for 10 mins Because the 3 days its taken has taught you a lot and you finally have TURTLE MODE!! Oh and 4 spinning motors instead of two!
Hope this helps others sort the problem, and thanks to everyone that has been trying to help me out. Great community.