First time building a Drone

Hey if its your first build I would highly suggest you consider starting with a quadcopter as then you only need 4 motors, so overall its quicker and cheaper to build. Also check if your frame as a power distirubiton board included/ built in as that is something you will need to power all of your ESC’s

Other than that the parts list seems ok, except for a few things

  • Airspeed Sensor: multirotors do not need an airspeed sensor, this is only used for fixed wing planes.
  • ESC: for the 810Kv motors you chose, the 20A ESC would work fine.
  • Battery: You did not mention anything about batteries but our 5100mah one would be ideal for a quadcopter. You will also probably need a battery connector.

On the other hand you might want to try building a miniquad, we have a cheap starter kit here