How to analyse logs on APM or Pixhawk via mission planner

Its hard to tell from that graph as the resolution is too low and the your aircraft is rolling around too much to easily see any trends. The best way to test is to enter a hover (alt hold) on a calm day, then give an impulse to the roll a few times by moving your roll still to the extreme position quickly and back to neutral on your radio either left or right and wait a few moments for the aircraft to level itself. Then you will be able to look a the logs to see how the aircraft responds. If it takes too long then you can increase the P gain slightly, but if it overshoots alot you will need to decrease P, and change I. I have written a fairly compehensive guide on tuning PID values in my done builder book.

Otherwise you might want to try the autotune feature which does an ok job ant getting your multirotor tuned.