Advices for quadcopter accelerometer and gyro


I have found the article bellow:

Unfortunately I did not understood everything very well. I already have bought a MPC-6500 and indeed there is a possibility to have the gyro fs 32khz, but there is the possibility to lower the fs to 8khz and a bandwith of 250Hz. So my question is: why is this more sensitive to vibration than MPU-6000 if the MPU-6500 has a fs set same as MPU-6000? (maybe I understood something wrong in datasheet)

Another question is related to the I2C readings. In my case I have a 400k baudrate for reading the sensor on I2C. I need to read 12 bytes from all axes with I2C at 400k, and this can be done for all values before the sensor updating the registers at 8khz(so I will have no junk in my readings). I am new in this and I don’t know if I understood correctly or if there are some minimum values to be applied.

At this moment the signal from accelerometer has a lot of noise, the angle variation is 10 degress when all motors are turned on. Again I don’t have a comparison for this… I will try to reduce this by mounting some silicone at the joints.

Any advice is really appreciated.

Thank you,

For drones, we don’t use mpu6500 because it is too sensitive to vibrations. I don’t know the exact reason for this, other than comparison data between the two. But I imagine it is a function of the resonant frequency and sensitivity of the MEMS sensor and also the update rate.

So if you are using an mpu6500 I highly suggest you change it, as it will save alot of headaches down the road if you are using this on a drone.