I have found the article bellow:
Unfortunately I did not understood everything very well. I already have bought a MPC-6500 and indeed there is a possibility to have the gyro fs 32khz, but there is the possibility to lower the fs to 8khz and a bandwith of 250Hz. So my question is: why is this more sensitive to vibration than MPU-6000 if the MPU-6500 has a fs set same as MPU-6000? (maybe I understood something wrong in datasheet)
Another question is related to the I2C readings. In my case I have a 400k baudrate for reading the sensor on I2C. I need to read 12 bytes from all axes with I2C at 400k, and this can be done for all values before the sensor updating the registers at 8khz(so I will have no junk in my readings). I am new in this and I don’t know if I understood correctly or if there are some minimum values to be applied.
At this moment the signal from accelerometer has a lot of noise, the angle variation is 10 degress when all motors are turned on. Again I don’t have a comparison for this… I will try to reduce this by mounting some silicone at the joints.
Any advice is really appreciated.
Thank you,