I am new to FPV and I am looking to by batteries for my fixed wing build with TX16S and Goggle X.
While considering to go with the IC5 or XT90 connector for the fixed wing plane. While prefering IC5 having to get different chargers is holding me back.
For the TX16S I want to go for RadioMaster 5000mah* 2s Li-ion Battery pack for TX16s / TX16S MKII which is currently out of stock, hope it will be back soon. I presume I can charge it via the Controller?
I still need a battery for the Goggle X, which I believe also requires XT60, right? What battery is suggested and would you have recomendations for chargers?
If you are heading down the drone/FPV hobby rabbit hole I would strongly suggest going the XT60 route. This will save you a stack of hassles in the long run. XT60 is the standard in most batteries and chargers today, with these connectors coming pre-soldered from the factory.
It not just the convenience of this, but the XT family of connectors is also cheap and reliable.
I’m not sure exactly how big your plane is, but an XT60 will probably be sufficient for most of your FPV requirements.
Quick side-note the number “60” in XT60, refers to the number of amps you can pull through that particular connector continuously. XT90 then is 90A continiously.
It is definitely over-specd, in my experince, and can carry much higher current for shorter periods. A good example of this is drone racing, where guys will frequently pull well over a 120A for short periods during a race.
The Radiomaster pack can be charged through teh radio itself using the type-C USB cable. For the most up-to-date details regarding stock availability I would sign up on the product page for email notifications. Our stock levels are updated as we get stock in and this auto updates every hour or so on the store.
The goggles X take voltage from 2-6S so you can plug in any generally purpose FPV pack (XT60) lying around which is great.
This is a nice article which goes through all the details of the goggles X:
As for chargers I would look at ISDT, the SkyRC stuff is unfortunately a little hit and miss sometimes and the Gens stuff is really expensive in my opinion:
I’d try match up the specs for what ever you might want to do most. Dual and multi-port chargers are also an option, but those are more useful in a racing scenario when you are cycling packs quickly.
Hope this helps.
If there is anything else I can help with please do let me know?