Connecting Alpha 4 to Speedybee f405 v4

Order Number: 695316
Product Name: Akk Alpha 4
Brand: Other
I want to connect the Alpha 4 to the Speedybee f405 v4 but it needs a minimum voltage of 12v can I connect to Alpha 4 to vbat or do I need a bec? Or can I connect to batt on the Vtx pads on the FC? Many thanks Steve
No trouble shooting required

Hi good morning Steve,

Thank you for the email.

This looks like a really cool build you are putting together! I’m a little jealous to be honest.

To answer your question, as a rule I try not to power anything from the FC.
For something sub 5inch or even a 5inch racer where ever gram counts its a different story, but for something like this I would recommend, either Vbat, or if you are concerned about voltage spikes or noise I would then recommend a good quality BEC.

The reason for this is two-fold, firstly pulling power from your FC, may cause brownouts or control issues due to possible supply dips which could be disastrous if it leads to a loss of flight control. Secondly, high power units of any description, especially VTx’s can create a lot of noise and voltage ripples, feeding that directly into your FC is never a good idea.

Hope this helps.



Unmanned Tech Support

Hi David,

Thank you very much for your feedback it’s greatly appreciated :slight_smile: I hope my soldering does it justice!

I think I will go the BEC route just to be belt and braces, by the sounds of it you’d recommend running the Elrs rx off a bec as well?

Can you recommend a Bec/s from the store?

Kind regards

Hi Steve!

You can run the alpha off of the VBAT pads if you would like, provided they’re within the 12-28V input range of the VTX at all times while flying. It’s generally recommended, however, to provide your VTX with as clean a power input as possible, so if you do the above, be sure to add a low-ESR capacitor across the pads to help with cleaner power delivery.

If you’re unsure about this, or if you just want to be extra safe, then a BEC would be advisable.

For your ELRS receiver, that’ll likely need 5V input (though check the manual). If that’s the case, normally customers will connect this to the flight controller directly as they tend to have a built-in 5V BEC /voltage regulator. That would be sufficient for most if not all builds, assuming you intend to use a suitable flight controller board. If not, you can instead power it off of an independant BEC, though it would likely need to be different to the one for the VTX due to the different voltage requirements.

This BEC may be a good fit for your needs, though you’d need to consider your own space requirements and limitations:

Best regards,


Unmanned Tech


Thank you again for your help!

I’m probably going to run of the Vbat pads for the Alpha as it needs a minimum of 12v, the drone will be running 6s. I’ll add a 35v 1000uf cap. I did wonder about a line filter though.
I’ll use the FC 5v for the rx, but think I’ll still get the bec you suggested for other projects
My only other issue is connecting the cam directly to the Vtx as the distance on the 10” frame is too far for the wires supplied.

Thanks again

hi Steve,

Glad you are making progress through your build.

One quick note, remember to always use a common ground on all your components. That messed me around quite a bit previously and resulted in odd lines and distortions through my video.

As for the camera, you will probably be running the signal to your FC so you will have OSD, ground can be connected to a common ground rail somewhere, that leaves only your power wire. If you are using the regulated power out on the VTx that reduces the wire running to the back, but yes unfortunately that one will still need to be extended.



Unmanned Tech Support

Hi David,

Yes slowly, just trying to plan it before picking up the iron.

Your help is greatly appreciated as this is the first “larger” drone I’ve built.

Here is my plan IMG_3643

Appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions!

Many thanks


Hi Steve good morning,

Looks good, its like a 5inch just bigger, so don’t stress the build.

As Cameron mentioned previously in the thread, a capacitor is a good idea on this build.

The frame gives loads of space even for the rather large AKK, its looking really nice!



Unmanned Tech Support

Hi David,

Thank you, yes I’ll be putting a capacitor on, I’ll use a 1000uf Phillips. I’m getting dangerously close to picking up a soldering iron!

Many thanks