So the original Diatone GT-M5 after being bought, never took off due to a faulty ESC then went up in flames. Since then I’ve had zero luck in getting it up in the air. So the plan is to pretty much start again from scratch with nothing but the original frame (I’ve always had more luck building stuff from scratch.
So far the components going into the frame are:
Eachine Stack-X F4 Flight Stack which also includes an HD camera!!! No bulky camera on top!
Motors - if I can reuse the old Diatone then I will, otherwise DYS Fire 2206 2600 or Mr Copper 2306 2700.
Receiver Crossfire Micro RX or Frsky XM+
Battery 4S
More to follow 
the eachine stack looks to me fine…
However the HD Camera (I’ve not seen used on any other build before) It wont be gopro quaility but should be better than DVR .
You should be able to reuse your old motors fine.
Rx Crossfire Micro RX (i think you mean “Nano Rx”) - you know you need the Crossfire micro tx to go with it?
4S will be fine
Hi Doomed,
Yep, the HD Camera is going to be an interesting one. Allegedly 1080p, but we’ll see! I like the fact it’s HD as YouTube don’t appear to do 2K and 4K anymore, so plain old HD should do the trick nicely.
Nope - mean the Crossfire Micro RX; I have one spare from when I was swearing at never getting the Nano RX to work on the TBS Oblivion. Already have the Crossfire RX Micro module on the Taranis, so thought I’d give it go. Watch this space, may yet swap it for a spare XM+ I have.