If you ordered one of the first batch of Diatone Tyrant FPV quadcopters from us a couple of you are having issues when you enable oneshot on the cleanflight settings with one of more of the motors not spinning properly.
As it turns out be default the diatone ESC have not been configured to use oneshot… (this will be fixed in future versions), but for now the easiest thing to do would be to just connect them up to your PC via a USB linker and flash them with the latest version of BLheli and I managed to get mine working by choosing the blue series firmware: Depending on what size ESC you have with your tyrant just select the appropriate one.

Then you can enable oneshot mode for them to work.
I updated my ESC’s (Ty20 OneShot125) but I am not sure if it was right.
It says it has only updated esc 1 - But I cant even select ‘multi’
After flashing and checking again it says the following:
I used the Cleanflight Bridge. And because it is the diatone tyrant 180, I cannot flash each ESC on its own. I only have this access to the ESC’s.
Do you have any idea?
When I go to Cleanflight and enable Oneshot, the motors are mukking around. Without the run. Looptime is set at 1000.
When you say cleanflight bridge I assume you mean that you are using cleanflight pass through to read your ESC while you connect the cleanflight board to your pc via USB?
If that is the case then I think something weird happened with your ESC firmware and blheli can’t read them. So you will need to use a USB linker and flash them one at a time. The other work around is to connect each ESC to output 1 on the naze board then when flash them via cleanflight pass through mode on blheli suite and then at the end connect all 4 ESC and try change the ESC settings all at once again via blheli.
You can flash each individually through blheli and cleanflight. Just select the esc at the bottom where you have single esc#1, you can click the u and select the next esc. Once all have been flashed then you can use them linked to the first as a master for settings.
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