Double charged for the order

Order Number: 695262
Product Name: All
Brand: Aikon
Hi, I was ordering the items, and I used paypal, login into paypal, they payment has come out of my Revolute account, it then said - oh looks like you have an account, then went through it again, but I didn’t have th e£66 in my account - so paid with PP credit. Can you confirm you have had 2 payments - or in fact the money will come back?



It looks like we only have the one order from you. Perhaps this has something to do with pre-authorisation.

Seeing a Charge from Us But No Order? Here’s Why

That said if things are not back to normal (usually a few hours, but could be a few days) just reach out to us with your two transaciton ID’s and we can double check and get one of them refunded if it did end up with us.

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