Good point re. the radio module! No, the TX16S and the nano module are not compatible, you’d need the micro module;
The Nano module you listed is for smaller radios (like the Zorro).
I’ll let you in on a secret re. image quality and latency for analogue cameras; Unless exceptionally dire, I truly, honestly believe that for most if not all “modern” FPV cameras, 99% of people will not perceive any noticeable difference in latency between a 2ms camera and a (for example) 5 or even 10ms camera. Lower is better, of course, but I wouldn’t be too concerned about it unless you’re an experienced racer for example - as long as the camera is well reviewed and is from one of the recognisable brands.
As for megapixel count, this is something else which has become mostly irrelevant for modern FPV cameras. Cameras from the main manufacturers (Foxeer, RunCam, Caddx) are all going to have “sufficient” resolution for analogue video. What I mean by that is that Analogue video resolution is not measured in the sort of format you may be used to (e.g. 1920x1080), and is instead measured in TV Lines (TVL). You can’t really easily convert from one to another, but suffice to say that pretty much any modern camera will have more than enough pixels for any analogue video system.
Rather than focussing on MP count, I’d instead recommend checking out some YouTube videos of the camera you’re looking at to see if the image is good enough for you - for example, for the foxeer razer;
As for the battery etc, if you intend to use 6S, you need a different motor speed. Motors are rated for a particular “cell count” (4S, 6S ,etc) of battery due to the fact that the speed they run at directly correlates to the voltage of the battery, and a higher cell count means higher voltage. Spin the motor too quick with too many volts, and you’ll either blow up an ESC or cook the motor.
You can skip this paragraph if you hate maths, but it’s good to know; As an example, 2450kV is intended for 4S drones - to calculate the actual RPM (revolutions per minute) of the drone, you take the kV (which stands for RPM per Volt) and multiply it by the voltage of the battery. A 4S battery puts out around 14.8V - so, 2450 x 14.8 = 36260RPM. You won’t need to do this calculation pretty much ever, but it’s good to know because it allows you to roughly convert the speed to other batteries for a drone of the same size. You can take that RPM and divide it by the voltage of a 6S battery, for example, which is around 22.2V to get the kV you’d need for 6S. In this case; 36260/22.2 = 1633kV. iFlight sell a 1700kV version of the same motor, which is close enough, and is intended for 6S.
All that is to say, you need the 1700kV version of the motor you linked for use with 6S batteries, otherwise you may blow up something!
The battery you need is LiPo, not Li-Ion. Li-Ion isn’t often used for drones like this, though it does have it’s place for long range drones where less current is needed, and more capacity.
Something like this would be ideal; CNHL Black Series 1100mAh 22.2V 6S 100C Lipo Battery - Unmanned Tech UK FPV Shop (
You can consider this a budget and a mid range option - there’s a lot of hearsay about batteries out there. For your needs, to start with, this will be plenty good enough. For a better idea about my thoughts on batteries in drones, you can read the description I wrote for our own batteries here (specifically the paragraph beginning “As a final side-note”);
(unfortunately out of stock right now).
For a charger, unfortunately the ones which I’d normally recommend are out of stock. However, we do still have a relatively wallet friendly and good quality option available, which would be this; SkyRC iMax B6 Evo Charger - Unmanned Tech UK FPV Shop
It also requires a power supply. For the batteries you need, you don’t need too much power, so something like this will do; ToolKitRC ADP-100 100w 20V 5A Power Supply with XT60 Output - Unmanned Tech UK FPV Shop
Finally, propellers. These are a “trial and error” thing for most people - but a good place to start would be with these; HQProp Freestyle 5X4.3X3 V2S PC - 3 Blades (Set of 4) - Unmanned Tech UK FPV Shop
Or on more of a budget, these; DAL Nepal N2 Freestyle 5.1" Propeller (5142) - Unmanned Tech UK FPV Shop
Hope this helps, and sorry for the wall of text (again!).