Eachine Turbine QX70 Review

In this article I will review the eachine QX70 indoor FPV quadcopter, which is based on the popular tiny whoop FPV platform but is built as a true FPV platform. Since the announcement of the QX70 there has been much hype as its cheap and ticks all the boxes with

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://blog.dronetrest.com/eachine-turbine-qx70-review/

The suggested blade upgrade (http://www.banggood.com/Hubsan-Upgraded-3-Leaf-Propellers-for-H107L-H107C-H107D-p-970384.html?p=LV170369229642016104), will not fit the QX70. They are 45mm, not the required 40mm.