Eachine X220 first flight help

I’ve just got my X220. I’ve followed the instructions in Sam’s blog post from 6 April (even the paper clip trick which I haven’t used since Windows 3.1 :slight_smile:) and have setup the flight modes in Betaflight from the post on 5 April. Everything on screen looks fine, but when I switch the Arm and try to lift the quad it attempts suicide! I’ve got it about 2 feet in the air using a mixture of inputs but it’s pretty much uncontrollable. Has anyone any idea what I’ve done wrong or is there a way I can wipe it and start again?


Did you check the orientation of the flight controller. When connected to betaflight and you tilt your quad forward, does the 3D model show the same motion? If that is correct, the other option could be on your radio.

The best way to test is to arm your quad and apply slight throttle so that the quad does not take off. Then move your pithc stick forward, back, left, right and your quad should slowly tilt to that direction. If not then you need to check you dont have any mixing going on your radio, or go to betaflight to the receiver tab, and make sure that none of the channels are reversed.

Hope that helps

Are your props on the right way?

Thanks chaps. The props were on the right way, but needed to be tighter than I got them with the little spanner provided :flushed:

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It’s easy when u know how lol