Elrs configuration

Order Number: 695023
Product Name: Fpv Endgame
Brand: Unmanned Tech
Hello, I can’t connect up a controller to the endgame drone. I have spent a couple of days trying to sort it out, but with no luck.

The issue - I can seem to get the controller working in betaflight, with the switches working and the throttle moving but as soon as I plug a battery in it’s then not recognised in betaflight and nothing works.

They are both on the same firmware,

Now, the drone and controller says they are bound, I have set up the switches in betaflight.

I have read online that the uart may not be working and the solder it to another uart. I didn’t want do this in case it has a warranty or anything.

I have also tried to bind a friends boxer and the same thing happened.

I am local to you, if I can have a phone call, or speak to cam direct that would be great.

Many thanks
I have flash new firmware to both, re binding a different radio.

Hi good morning Adam,

I will speak with Cam now and come back to you ASAP.



Unmanned Tech Support

Hi Adam,

First off, please accept my sincere apologies for this! I’m quite saddened to hear that the drone is causing you difficulties out of the box. Please rest assured, if there is any issue with the drone, we will get it sorted for you ASAP - there is a warranty on this.

I have tested the drone upon completion of the build to ensure it was all working, receiver included. I won’t lie to you and say it’s impossible that something has gone wrong since (everything is possible!), but that does at least bode well for the likelihood that this can be resolved remotely.

Just so that I understand properly, the radio inputs are working in betaflight when connected via USB, but as soon as you plug in a battery (even with the drone still connected to the PC) it stops functioning in betaflight / disconnects?

Or is it instead the case that the drone seems to not respond to input when it’s powered via battery only?

Finally, is it possible to capture the behaviour in a short video at all, that you could send over to us (either as a file or a link to an upload somewhere)?

Apologies for this hassle! I’ll do what I can to get this sorted for you ASAP.

Best regards,


Unmanned Tech


Thanks for getting back to me. What is the warranty included?

That is correct, I have tried to reset it and re bound it again today. Both the receiver and the controller are saying they are bound. However nothing is working. Switches are all set up etc.

I have tried to capture in a video I’ll attach.
If you are free after work one day I’m more than happy to pop over to the warehouse if this is easier than back and forth with email.

Many thanks

Adam Green

This sounds like a similar issue and the user re wired his quad.

I saw one person said the wiring could be wrong or changing to a different uart made it work. Could it be wired up incorrectly?

I want to try and give you a clearer picture of the issue.

I have flashed both the rx and tx with the latest firmware, went through the binding procedure. They are both bound, when I go on both the wifi for each they say they are bound. I then plugged the drone into Betaflight and set the switches I want to do beeper etc.

Go to start the drone with a lipo, they bind, but none of the switches work, not my beeper or anything.
I then take the lipo out, plug the drone into Betaflight, then the throttle and switches appear to be working.

Very strange, I have tried to reset and re bind etc. But really stuck on what to do.

I hope you can help, really want to fly aha.
Doesn’t help my Nazgûl evoque is also broken, hence the flight controller order.

Many thanks

Hi again Adam,

That is entirely new behaviour to me. I have two initial thoughts;

  1. Some sort of control prevention (Arming prevention?) - most likely GPS. If this is causing the issue, you can test it easily by disabling the GPS in betaflight. It might be worth checking your OSD in the goggles to see if there’s any arming prevention flags showing when you try to control the drone, as that may point us in the right direction.

  2. I’ve previously read of DJI O3 units causing a similar issue when the SBUS wires are connected. In fact, I’m a total idiot and should have thought about this sooner – as I type it, I’m realising that the SBUS wire for the O3 air unit is connected to R2, the same pin as the receiver itself. If you disconnect the O3 unit and test, I suspect you will find that the receiver suddently works as intended.

Continuing on point 2, becaue of how I’ve routed the wiring and connected the O3 unit, this might unfortunately be more of a pain to fix than it would usually be. Normally, it’d be a simple matter of unplugging the O3 unit, removing the SBUS wire which goes to the R2 pin in the flight controller, and then plugging it all back in. However, the wire is rather tight in there (if you take a look you’ll see what I mean) and has sleeving over it. The sleeving is less of an issue - it can be pulled back to make disconnecting the wire easier, but I will apologise in advance for the wire routing.

If you’re not able to do the above (disconnecting/removig the SBUS wire from the DJI O3), let me know - I’ll arrange for us to do it for you one way or another! To be clear, as this drone is sold as a premium item, we’d expect you to expect a premium quality. You are not expected to have to do this work yourself, so if you wish for us to do it for you regardless, that’s absolutely fine and perfectly understandable. I do sincerely apologise for this error, it’s quite embarrasing.

You can see the R2 pin I’m referring to in the speedybee manual here; https://d18j4b7oq8p8jg.cloudfront.net/Manual/Manual_F7V3_Stack_EN.pdf - note that the same input (R2) is what’s used on the receiver’s own connector.

Best regards,


Unmanned Tech

Hi Cameron,

Thank you for getting back to me. I believe I have turned off gps so this shouldn’t be interfering.

As I was expecting it all to work straight away to save me time, I would be appreciative if you could sort this out as I don’t want to mess anything else up.

I may be free this evening or tomorrow to come to you, I did pop by before to swap a battery so know where you are.

Many thanks

Adam Green

Hi again Adam,

Perfectly understandable - I truly am sorry for all this hassle.

You’re welcome to drop the drone to us and I’ll get it sorted while you wait (should only take a few minutes), or you can mail it in, or (not something we usually do, but I’d like to right my own wrong here) I’d be happy even to come to you if there’s some time before Saturday that you’re available?

Let me know your thoughts :slight_smile:

Best regards,


Unmanned Tech

Thank you Cam,

That is very nice of you. Are you around this evening at all?

Many thanks

Adam Green

Hi Adam,

I am free this evening; I can drop by any time between about 6 and 8 PM, or I can stay at the warehouse if you’d prefer to come to us until around 7PM.

If you’d like for me to drop by, I’ll bring everything I should need to get the drone sorted for you, and will be able to complete the work from my car while you get on with your evening.

I hope this helps!

Best regards,


Unmanned Tech

Ok thank you, what’s your number and the address and I’ll drop you a message with an eta?

Many thanks
[Redacted by moderation]

Adam Green

Hi again Adam!

I’ve just sent through a text with our address from my personal phone.
I’ve removed your number from your previous message for security, just in case you notice it’s missing!

Please let me know if the message has not been received for any reason.

Unmanned Tech