Order Number: 694762
Product Name: Speedybee F405 V3
Brand: SpeedyBee
The two rear motors don’t work as intended, one spins at a slow speed and stops and presents a beep while the other doesn’t spin at all.
I’ve tested the motors in the opposite position of the ESC and all works.
I’ve hooked up to beta flight and removed the props and when I take the motors up to 1500rpm of the ones that do work the firmware turns off the drone as a safety net.
There is no shorts using a smoke stopper either, this was also removed during testing on beta flight to provide good current to the motors.
Flashed firmware
Swapped motor position
Redone connections twice
Sorry to hear that two of the motors are not working, and thanks for trying some initial fault finding to confirm the issue is with the ESC.
From the photos, could you double-check the one side of the ESC, as it looks to me like something may be shorted out, which would cause the issue? It’s hard yo tell as the photo is abit blurry. If you could double-check that and add another photo for me, I can pass this onto Speedybee to get their feedback and request a warranty replacement for you.
Kind Regards
Unmanned Tech
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Hi there,
I resoldered the motors twice. This is not the issue. I also swapped the front motors that were working to the rear and then soldered and the previously working motors inherit the same issue.
Rear left was spinning a tiny bit whilst the rear right was not spinning at all. It seems that the FETs have become faulty to the rear.
I have now unsoldered all the motors, put a new ESC in and it works fine! I do though want a replacement sending out or rather a refund and I can send back the whole ESC and flight controller.
Many thanks,
Hi, unfortunately we have not been authorised to provide a replacement under warranty yet, Speedybee have requested another photo so they can come to their conclusion of the issue, as they do not want to authorise a replacement with out this.
However if you do not wish to add another photo you can return it back to us where we can test the MOSFETS, but if we find that they have been shorted, or had excessive heat then this is not something covered under warranty. For more information, please see:
How to Check If Your ESC Is Broken (testing your MOSFETS)
I have also checked, and it looks like some serious heat has been applied to the ESC around the battery terminals, which has caused some delamination by the looks of it,
so could you also please send me some more photos so its clear that this did not happen here, as again this is a reason for the manufacturer to reject any replacement under warranty as they will claim its soldering/excessive heat that caused the issue. I am only saying this to try to improve our chances of arranging a replacement for you under warranty.
Kind Regards
Unmanned Tech Support
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I really don’t fancy taking the newly nice built drone apart just so I can test a faulty unit on it.
Please provide address to send this back to and you can perform the tests, it is not the soldering it that’s caused the issue.
Many thanks,
Hi,Please see the guide I linked; you don’t need to remove the heatsink to test the MOSFETs:
- Unpower your ESC (no battery connected).Set your multimeter to continuity mode.
- Place one probe on the negative battery terminal/connector.
- Check for continuity on each motor connector with the other probe.
- Note any motor with continuity, indicating an issue with a MOSFET.
- Repeat for the positive terminal.
You’re welcome to return the unit for inspection (see here). However, the oxidisation/or corrosion particulary around the battery connection might be a contributing factor. That said, if it’s determined to be a user error, there will be a shipping cost to return the item. If it’s a manufacturing defect, we’ll cover it.
Thank you for understanding.
I will get a multimeter to test.
Many thanks,
We have also had a response from speedybee, in addition to the multimeter test, if you could also check these things they asked and provide the photos as required then we can oscillate this issue further with them.
Speedybee response:
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Could you please provide us with a picture of the back side of the ESC to help us identify the issue?
Please also provide a picture showing the purchase date of the stack.
Additionally, we would appreciate it if you could share a video of you moving the main controller on the Betaflight Configurator’s motor page to help us diagnose the problem (please remember to remove the propellers).

If the video exceeds the file size limit for sending, we kindly recommend uploading it to Google Drive and sharing the link with us instead. Please make sure to set the ‘General Access’ to ‘Anyone with the link’.

Please connect the ESC to BLHeli_Suite or ESC-Configurator to check if all four ESCs are being recognized properly and provide us with a screenshot of the recognition.
How to connect 8-bit ESC to BLHeli_Suite.

Looking forward to your reply.
Kind Regards
Unmanned Tech
Join our community at dronetrest.com, or on Discord.
In the cases of the below you are asking me to dissemble a working drone with working motors that I have to prove to you that they are faulty.
I prefer to just send this back so you can do the necessary testing.
I can’t be going out and buying a multimeter and new motors just to show you the diagnosis.
Many thanks,
Hi Liam,
No problem, you can return it for inspection include your RMA number 130934 so as to avoid any delay processing your return.
Please note, this RMA number is valid for you and you alone, for this item alone. Any other returns received using this RMA number will be automatically rejected.
Please note, while we will do everything we can to detect a fault with your return, there are indicators in the images you have provided that would suggest this may not be a warrantable case. For example, the battery leads appear to be “cold” solder joints, the solder has not properly, neatly flowed at the motor wire pads, and there appears to be solder splatter over the ESC. In this case, I’m afraid that I must advise that it is unlikely that we will be able to issue a replacement or refund with the evidence currently provided - though we will discuss this further with the manufacturer to see if any paths are available to a better resolution.
Where possible, we will check for any evidence which could substantiate that the ESC was faulty from the point of delivery and has not developed an issue due to the above factors, or any non-manufacturing factors. If we are able to do so, then we will proceed with your claim using that evidence as proof of a defect of no fault of your own. However, please be aware that if this is not possible, the issues listed above would typically be sufficient to void any warranty on the item and therefore prove preventative to offering a refund or replacement, and a shipping fee may be required to be paid to return the item back to you if desired.
If you are happy to proceed, please continue to create a return at the link above with the RMA number provided. Should you have any questions or concerns prior or after compelting the return form, please let us know and I or one of the team will get back to you again ASAP.
Best regards,
Unmanned Tech