Hey guys, I’ve finished building my drone but am seeking a bit of help with the transmitter. Would really appreciate if someone could answer a few questions for me. The transmitter and receiver combo I am using is the Turnigy 9X with iA8 Receiver Mode 2.
Is this transmitter and receiver suitable for a quad
(I’ve seen other people use the 9X but am not sure about the iA8 receiver)?
I believe it is PPM so I should just be able to plug straight into the Naze32 with the servo wire (red, black, white)?
Should I be changing some settings in cleanflight, and what modes should I be using?
Any other info you could give me that would be helpful?
Thanks again guys, really appreciate your knowledge and am looking forward to getting this bad boy up in the air!
First of all:
Your setup looks perfectly fine to me.
You can plug your RX with a Servo wire into your FC.
In Cleanflight you need to select PPM. (I think in the Configuration Tab)
I think there is no need to change some settings since you are not into PIDs and this Stuff…
Maybe adjust your Rates that they fit to the Rates in your Simulator.
My tip would be to read many articles or watch some tutorials about everything you have.
(Good guide about the Naze32)
I can recommend oscarliang.com for general knowledge and if you need some more specific knowledge check out JB or Painless360.
Also check out the best Forum the World has ever seen.
They provide many useful Guides or you can ask them for help .
Hey Luca, thanks a lot for the response. Much appreciated. Could you just explain a little bit more about the rates in Cleanflight? What are they and what should I set them as? Just need to be spoonfed a few answers right now as I need to finish this tomorrow haha. Cheers buddy
There is no need to change your Rates.
Its just easier if you have practised and tuned your Rates in a Simulator.
If you havent done that i would really recommend getting a Simulator and practising a few hours.