Horizontal lines in FPV when throttle up.
I cant get rid of these damm lines.
When motors spining low or not spinning video is crisp. When i throttle up video is almost un usable.
I have a omnibus f4, diatone v8.3 pdb, runcam swift 2. And generic 600mw fpv transmitter from amazon. Running on 4s . I have swaped pdb. Added and remove LC filter. I dont get it.
Hmm, definitely sounds like an LC filter problem, are you sure you connected it up correctly? If you bypass the OSD on the omnibus and connect the camera direct to the VTX do you still get the same interference lines?
I will give that a shot and let you know.
Thanks 4 the help.
And / or ::
Props off.
Slacken off motor bolts on motor 1( a turn or so - motor must not come loose so only quick bit of throttle to check ) .
If no improvement , tighten and proceed with same on motor 2 and so on.
If improvement seen , re mount motor bolts with washer under bolt heads. ( / remove mud )
An other quick way to test is to isolate the antenna from the frame of the craft - i.e. Props off ,unbolt the sma from frame , make sure vtx and pigtail and antenna aren’t touching frame - if improvement , then "further research " with multimeter/ circuit tester .
i got this once and it was cos i move my camera to vtx wiring straight over the FC, got mad lines, once i moved it off and wrapped a bit of electrical tape round the wires it was fine
Thanks to everyone’s insight i have fixes the issue. I believe it boiled down to better insulating the vtx from the frame. The frame is a qav-x 210 and i think the antenn connector on the vtx must have been making contact with the frame i guess i didnt have enough foam tape under it. So i covered the area of the frame where the vtx sits with electric tape then foam taped the vtx down and secured with a zip tie. Lines are gone crystal clear video.
Thanks Again to all