Frsky X9 Lite - Frsky's answer answer to jumper T12?

Update: This radio has now been announced.

If you are like me, you absolutely :heart: jumper radios, as they can bind to anything, run openTX (ok technically JumperTX) and are also very affordable. But the one thing that Jumper will not support is the ACCESS protocol (I imagine Frsky are going to try everything to ensure it says that way too). I do thing ACCESS is going to be pretty sweet. But if you want to use this but dont want to fork out over £100 for a radio what do you do?

Well the rumor mill is spinning that Frsky are going to release a Taranis X9 Lite. After people saw a poster at recent a hobby expo.

So far here are the details:

  • Smaller and lighter than X9D
  • Same LCD as the QX7 (128x64px)
  • SD card slot
  • Haptic and voice feedback
  • Wired trainer port
  • Smart Port and Micro USB port
  • 24 Channels, 60 Models.
  • Uses 18650 Li-Ion Cells

Looking at the design, it uses a nice scroll wheel like the Jumper T16, so that should be good. It all depends on the price though, hopefully it will be in the same region as the Jumper T12 radios.