Good price for the set - Watt meter, propeller balancer, ESCs, servo controller to sell

Hello everyone,

I have some items to sell:
2. Watt meter (
3. Propeller balancer (Magnetic Propeller Prop Balancer Carbon Fibre for Quacopter Sale - Banggood USA sold out-arrival notice-arrival notice)
4. small servo controller (EK2-0907 Updated Servo Tester Server Electronic Speed Controller Sale - Banggood USA sold out-arrival notice-arrival notice)
5. 30A ESC (FVT LittleBee 30A ESC 2-6S BLHeli Supports OneShot125 For RC Multi-rotor Sale - Banggood USA-arrival notice-arrival notice)
6. 30A ESC (

all of these have been used only once, very good condition. I don’t need them anymore as they were purchased for a project I did at uni.
I want to sell all together, although the price is very attractive £30! (In the attached links you can see how much I paid for each of them seperately) + delivery cost or collection from Nottingham possible.


Also, if anyone perhaps may recommend any other drone related forums in the UK, where I can try to announce these items for sale, would be very appreciated!
Quadcopters it’s not my area totally and so far I’ve used only this forum.

Many thanks!! :slight_smile:

RC Groups has a section for selling stuff and has a massive audience
Steve :slight_smile: