I am using the Unmanned Tech S500 frame. The drone will be carrying a payload of a raspberry Pi in a case, weight of maybe 100g. Camera will either be the Raspberry Pi cam or the Grove Serial Camera, neither of which are particularly heavy. I am anticipating powering the Pi separately by 4 AA batteries, another 100g.
whoops, didnt realize that I was just wondering so I can double check that the battery would have sufficient C rating for the motors.
So my suggestion would be something around the range of a 5000mah 10C battery would give you decent flight times. We sell a 5100mAh gensace TATTU battery which you might want to consider.
Im still unsure as to what i am supposed to buy as i dont know these other things like the weight and stuff
I have a
Motor Specifications
Stator Diameter 22mm
Stator Height 6mm
KV (rpm/Volt) 2300
Weight 31g with full wires
Recommended Props 5 or 6 inch
LiPo Compatibility 3-4S
Prop Mount Height 5mm
Prop Mount Diameter 5mm
Interior Threading CW or CCW
Magnets N52H arc magnets
Stator Laminations 0.15mm
Winding Single Wire
Bearing Genuine NMB