Hi there! My brother and I finished our first quadcopter drones together a couple months ago, and after some tinkering I got my 5-inch quad to work without any major issues.
My brother’s 6-inch quad flies alright, but after the first several test flights the motors have been getting really hot. On the first flight all motors were almost too hot to hold (60s flight). Two motors are now fine after tightening a loose propeller and tightening the battery strap. However, the front-left motor and the back-right motor are still getting really hot (too hot to touch) even after very short flights.
Why could this be happening? What sort of diagnostics could we run to figure this out? There is plenty of clearance between the screws and the winding, and all screws seem to be tightened as they should be. The only noticeable potential issue I have noticed is that the front-left motor doesn’t seem to magnetically snap into place as much as the other motors. Could this indicate an issue with that motor?
Edit: I haven’t touched any PID settings yet, the 5-inch and 6-inch models should both have the same settings.
Thanks for the help!