Product Name:
Before placing an order I would like to know a detail about the S1 and S2 components of the following CNC set. Specifically, I am interested in knowing whether these components have the gold or purple processing shown itekn the photo, hello, thanks.
If you mean theese CNC upgrade parts:
Then I am actually not sure about what pattern they include on the S1, S2 switches, butI will ask someone to double check our stock warehouse on Monday. However, this could also be something that may vary from batch to batch.
Hi Good Morning,
I am not 100% certain, what colour anodising is on a standard unit, but I will check and come back to you.
As an alternative there are also these really nice upgrade kits, available in a number of different colour options, which you can use to mod or upgrade your complete radio experience.
These are not only a visual colour upgrade, but the high quality finish on all the knobs and gimbal sticks is a definite tactile and feel upgrade to boot, this can definitely improve flying accuracy for racing and freestyle:
Hi good morning again,
I checked the colours available for the standard RadioMaster TX16S units, they are as follows:
The normal TX16S has black S1 and S2 knobs:
The TX16S MAX, has either black or red S1 or S2 knobs depending on which colour variant you select:
Hope that helps.
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