I’m currently working on a project to create an autonomous solar-powered boat and have the design and construction ready.
I am going to use ArduPilot Mega to set waypoint path, view camera etc during journeys. The boat will take part in a Transatlantic crossing attempt and for this part of the journey, I will be employing Iridium Satellite Telemetry to be able to receive data along the route as well as change waypoints in real time.
For this part of my project, as much as it interests and excites me, I don’t unfortunately have any experience in programming software and installing hardware in this area.
I am looking to find someone who has experience and expertise with either APM or Iridium(programming) or both who can help me with the programming, setup and installation of the hard and software.
I am happy to hire you and pay for your time.
The work can be done in your spare time but you must have a good knowledge of my required drone systems as well as live in the UK as this is where I reside and I can travel for us to meet and discuss where necessary.
In addition to being paid help, I will credit you on our project notes and anywhere the project is mentioned.
Also, one last appeal would be if you yourself don’t have the experience but know someone who does, I would appreciate it if you could help put me in touch with them if they would be interested.
Thanks for your time and interest and I hope I can find some help here.
Looking forward to your replies.