The Ultimate Guide to Quickly Troubleshoot Your FPV Drone: Mastering the Art of Identifying and Resolving Problems
TL:DR In this article, you will learn some troubleshooting strategies that can help you quickly pinpoint what’s wrong with your FPV drone and determine how to fix it.
Why Bother With Troubleshooting?
With the right strategies in place, effective troubleshooting can minimize downtime ,
save you money,
reduce the risk of further damage, and
ensure safe and successful flights.
By understanding the components of your drone and how they work, you can narrow down the root of a problem and quickly isolate the issue. Additionally, by observing everything, isolating the problem and gathering information, you can make informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes. The benefits of effective troubleshooting for you as an FPV pilot include improved flight experience, a better understanding of your drone, and more efficient use of your time and resources.
Before You Start
The community is one of the best aspects of the FPV hobby in general, so you will never be short of finding other FPV pilots who are willing to help. There are some caveats to this, and that is namely don’t be lazy! Its always best to at least try figure it out yourself to show that you have put some effort in, as no-one wants to do all the work for you. To help explain this, we have a handle little guide here > How To Ask For Help - A step by step guide on how to have your questions answered
The 4 Step Troubleshooting Process
This guide is written using the same basic process we use here at Unmanned Tech when trying to diagnose problems with our customers. If you understand these four steps you will be well on your way to troubleshoot problems like a pro:
- Understanding the functions of each component, what they do and don’t
- Observing everything to gather information about the problem,
- Isolating the problem
- Producing a theory and testing it
1. Understanding the functions of each component, what they do and don’t
One of the critical factors in effective troubleshooting is understanding what each component in your drone is responsible for and what it needs to operate. Knowing what each piece is capable of can narrow down the root of a problem. For each component in your drone, ask yourself what it does, what does it need to work. If you don’t know the answer, product manuals/documentation or the internet are your best friend.
For instance, if your image is coming through with the wrong colors, you know the component responsible for anything related to the image is either the camera, or your display, even the video transmitter. So, it is best to start troubleshooting with the camera as it is responsible for generating the picture, then checking your display settings, and finally the VTX. Or if you have trouble getting an FPV image at longer ranges, but no problem at close range, then the issue is likely to do with the signal transmission (the Video transmitter/receiver) and not the camera.
2. Observing everything to gather information about the problem
Gathering information about the problem is essential, and you can use all your senses to do that. Look for discolored, missing or out of place components, listen for oscillations or unusual sounds, feel for loose parts or hot areas, and use your sense of smell to identify problematic components. Understanding the conditions under which the problem occurs is also crucial. For example, whether you are in flight, close or far away, how much time passed since you plugged in or took off, the temperature outside, and anything unusual about your situation. Another important question to ask is what changed before the issue started.
As you gain more experience the intuition will come a lot easier as you experience several types of issues and abnormal behavior. But looking for videos exhibiting similar behaviour, or asking the community can also go a long way.
3. Isolating the problem
Before we can start testing solutions, its important to isolate the cause of the problem. This is best done by trying to safely replicate the issue. The goal here is to isolate the problem, not necessarily solve it yet. For instance, observing what happens when, getting closer or further away, going fast or slow, switching batteries are all easy adjustments to observe and collect more information.
Another example could be if your drone flips when it takes off. This issue it can be caused by several issues (such as configuration, propellers, motor, ESC, Battery) so unless we narrow down the source of the issue, it is hard to know what the root cause is.
This can be a daunting task, so we have written several troubleshooting guides for the core systems of an FPV drone that you can go through to help isolate the issue.
As a word of caution, you should always approach this step carefully, as depending on the type of issue this could result in further damage. So if you are not sure what you are doing its best to ask for a second opinion. If you are unsure try to think back to the exact things you did before the issue occured.
4. Producing A Theory and Testing it - The Scientific Method in Action
When you’ve gathered enough information about the issue and how it is reproduced, it’s time to form a theory. Based on what you’ve observed, what do you think is causing the problem? Try to eliminate components that couldn’t be the source of the issue. And if the problem still seems to elude you, don’t be afraid to make an educated guess.
Next, it’s time to put your theory to the test. If you think the issue lies with your settings, try resetting your flight controller. If you suspect your goggles may be the problem, try using a different pair. If you think it’s an electrical issue, run some checks with a multimeter. And if the camera seems to be the root of the problem, swap it out. By testing your theory, you’ll either confirm or eliminate it and have more information to move forward with.
A frequent problem we find is that some components done get enough power, so if you find something acting strangely on your drone and shutting off mid flight, the first thing to do would be to take it off the drone and power is separately via a known power supply, check if it works as it should now. If to does and doesn’t work on your drone then you know the issue is related to power, so a good idea would be to double check the power connectors to ensure its getting enough voltage and current, as you may need to re-route the power.
Other Important Tips
Troubleshooting is made a thousand times easier if you have the right tools and some spare parts on hand. This is why the best FPV pilots usually have a second drone in parts handy in their flight bag.
As if you have an issue with your ESC, swapping it with a new working ESC will quickly and easily tell you if the ESC or elsewhere since you know the new one should work perfectly.
Similarly having the right tools on hand will speed things up, such as a multimeter, soldering iron. I will write a separate guide on all the recommended tools an FPV pilot should have in your toolbox for effective troubleshooting.
Any Questions?
I hope this article helps you to get the basic idea of how to go about troubleshooting. FPV drones are complicated, and troubleshooting can be challenging. However, by understanding drone components, observing everything, and isolating the problem, you can quickly identify and resolve the issue. With practice, you’ll become more efficient at troubleshooting and enjoy flying your FPV drone.
If you have any questions, or want me to clarify something please ask so I can try help you further.