No throttle or elevation response when GPS connected

Order Number: #UT-695212-WH/OUT/40942
Product Name: Fms Rainger Trainer
Brand: FMS
After a few hours of tests, trying to work out why the throttle or elevation servos / channels were not working, we discovered that whenever the GPS connector (from the wing) was connected, the throttle and elevation were non-responsive (not ESC issue). As soon as the GPS is disconnected, normal pre flight tests complete and all controls work. We’ve obviously not flown it, just ground testing…
Test all channels, with out without parts connected.

Hi Warren,

Apologies for the delay getting back to you, and sorry to hear this!

May I ask if it’s possible to provide a video demonstrating the behaviour at all, either uploaded directly here or on another platform such that you can provide a link for us?

I do sincerely apologise for the hassle, and hope to have this sorted for you ASAP!
If you have any questions or concerns, please do feel free to ask and I or one of the team will get back to you again ASAP.

Best regards,


Unmanned Tech

Hi. I cannot upload a video - it says “new users cannot upload videos”.

You could try to upload as an unlisted video on youtube, or via a free service such as and post the link here.

Otherwise based on your issue, this sounds like there is a pre-flight safety check waiting for the aircraft to have a home position saved (waiting for a valid 3D satellite fix) before it will let you arm the motors and fly?

Also can you double check that the GPS is connected to the right port and the right way around:

When it is connected, and your aircraft if powered, do you see any LED on your GPS unit?

Please let me know how you get on and about the LED on the GPS unit, as I will discuss with FMS to see what the next steps are its not clear if this is a safety feature, or just a faulty GPS unit itself, so please get back so me and we can figure this out to resolve it for you.


I’ve tried to send a couple of times via email but only now discovering your auto reply in my spam, advising the file was too big.

I have uploaded to the following location…

Hi Warran,

Thank you for that and apologies for the hassle with the auto replies going to spam!
I just wanted to reach out to let you know you’ve not been forgotten. We’ve received your video and have reached out to the manufacturer for further advice about this issue and to get any possible resolutions for you ASAP. We typically anticipate a response within 0-2 working days and will get back to you as soon as we have the information we need.

If you wish to chase or have any further questions or concerns in the meantime, please do feel free to reach out again and I or one of the team will get back to you ASAP.

I do sincerely apologise for this wait and we will do all we can to keep it as short as possible for you!

Best regards,


Unmanned Tech


I look forward to an update…

Are you expecting any new stock in soon? My son is keen to use his new toy :man_facepalming:

Hi again Warren,

Unfortunately at present we don’t appear to have any stock due in the near future, though I have notified my product manager about this and hope that can change soon. If it does, I’ll let you know as soon as I do!

The good news is that this manufacturer is able to provide stock from the UK, so if replacement parts (or an entire replacement) is needed, we can usually get that to you rather quickly (normally within a couple of working days of confirmation from their side).

I do sincerely apologise for this wait and will do all I can to keep it as short as possible for you!

Best regards,


Unmanned Tech

Is there any update on this?


Warren Turner

Hi, I made a quick post about this a few days ago, as I had another customer with the exact same issue.

You basically need to leave the plane still and level for around 30 seconds or so to let everything calibrate. See the video in the link above and let me know how you get on.