Have recently been using the Omnibus F4 i got from this store and was all working fine up until the other day.
Somehow the signal wire on an ESC was caught and detached on the ESC side (when i was transporting the quad). Not knowing this at the time, i tried arming it and only 3 motors span up. Since then i have replaced the ESC and solder joint, but now the FC will not show any signs of life whilst plugged into the USB or through the Power pack.
My question is, is it possible to fry the F4 board when its armed without a signal wire connected ? My guess is yes because i can’t think of any other reason it would be dead.
If so, is there any way of bringing it back to life now its all wired up properly again ?
Something like that should not cause the board to die, unless the loose wire caused a short somehow.
When did you buy the board from us or do you know if your board is the latest v3?
When you connect via USB/battery do you see any LED at all, or is it all dead? If so then maybe one of the diodes/regulators has died. But worse still if you find that the MCU is getting hot then maybe that has fried and not possible to recover it (as the MCU needs to be replaced)
Bought the board from you around 2 weeks ago, so i believe it will be the V3.
All i can think is that the signal wire could of shorted on the +/- going into the ESCs.
The board looks completely dead with no lights using either power techniques. unfortunately it will not connect to BF either so i guess its a write off. Will have to order a new one i think
Do you have access to a multimeter as the ESC signal wires are connected directly to MCU so if something bad happened with ESC it might of been passed onto MCU. A common way to check if your MCU is fried is to check if there is a short between the +ve and -ve pins on the MCU chip. In the diagram below VDD is ground, and VSS is positive.

So if you have continuity between any two VSS and VDD pins then the MCU has fried

But now that your board is not showing any signs of life it could be that either a diode or a regulator has failed and thats abit harder to check.
If you want to return it back I should be able to at least offer you a replacement at cost. Send support an email with your order number and a link to this conversation and one of us will sort something out for you.
Okay cool, i will check into this when i get home with the multi meter. Will drop support an email then also.
Thanks, Mitch