I have flashed the fc with bf 4.1 after going to cli and typing command “diff all”. I did set up all over again. Exactly the same. In motors tab if I do each motor indavidually they all work normal but if I go to master slider at low throttle they seem normal. If you raise the throttle slowly motors 2 & 3 stop turning make squeaking noise. If I raise throttle fast motor 3 stops turning until I lower throttle at that point the motors gradually go into a full throttle flyaway till I disarm. If I bind with transmitter when I arm it’s exactly the same as using the master slider. If I roll,pitch or yaw it seems to work normal. In receiver and tab everything’s normal. I noticed after reflashing that the esc protocol was changed to oneshot 125. I changed it to d shot 600, And I lowered the pid loop and rate to 4k - 4k. The f4 board I’m using is the Recharlance with sd card and vtx. The esc is from a 30 x 30 mamba stack. Flashed in blheli s. 16.7 esc is an extremely tight fit to carbon on canopy but it does the same with canopy off. In cli I tried motor status it said one motor is set to output 0? Motor 1 is output B00 it works fine? What else can I do?
Have had similar problem in INAV , searched on line, suggestion given pull the pids (i’s low) and turn off VBAT.
Sounds odd but worked for me