Order #703149 - Product total Tunerc Poly F405 20a Aio Flight Controller V1.2 - motors do not spin with new flightcontroller/esc

Order Number: 703149
Product Name: Product total Tunerc Poly F405 20a Aio Flight Controller V1.2
Brand: TuneRC
Having trouble getting the motors to work with the new FC/ESC

Connected new flight controller/esc to vtc, receiver, motors, etc.
everything works perfectly - vtx, receiver (flushed via uart passthru)
EXCEPT motors do not spin.
on first connect, testing direction - 3/4 spun fine, the forth did not spin at all.
reconnected - none spun
when arming sometimes 1/4 spins, but most of the time - nothing. but it feels like there is resistance in the motors for a second or two once armed

FC makes the 3+2 beeps. I can feel the feedback for all 5 beeps in all motors. solders look solid. set to dshot600, tried other settings - no change.

motors - Emax TH1202.5 7000kv
rebuilding emax tinyhawk 3 freestyle plus after FC died… 2.5 inch frame…

cannot figure out how to make it work; and would appreciate any advice…
Thank you!
tried all settings
tried resoldering

Sorry to hear about this.

  1. Did you check the fc was working before you soldered to it?
  2. Can you confirm if you have updated the firmware, of so what target did you use?
  3. Could you send a clesr photo showing how everything is soldered to the fc so I can check and talk to tunerc about this please.

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Unmanned Tech Support

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Hello! thank you for a swift response!

  1. i connected fc to betaflight before doing anything to it. I do not believe it’s faulty… everything looks and works as expected, except the motors… And they are not completely dead… there’s resistance, they react to arm commands (not spinning, but something is happening)… it feels like a wrong protocol or some power setting (running 2s), or the 7000kv motors not compatible (cant see why) or i broke it somehow…i blame myself…
  2. i updated the firmware after connecting everything and discovering motor issues. used the recommended tunerc FC405 target, latest version. left all settings as standard - had to update drivers, but flashed successfull. had no effect. i took pics (attached)
  3. Pics:

you could check if its a motor issue by going into betaflight motors tab and try to spin each motor individually and all together- if all motors work individually but only 3 or 2 spin when you power all of the motors up then i think its a fair bet that you might need to change the starting power on the appropriate esc configurator this AIO uses .But thats my two cents best to wait for the experts on this imo

I tried spinning them every way you can think… thru betaflight. individually, together, with battery, without battery…
the strange thing - top left was the only one not spinning the first time i tested. rebooted - none spun. armed - 1 was spinning. betaflight - nothing, reboot - 2 spin for a second then stop.

they are capable of spinning) it really feels like a power setting… or a protocol… does not feel like a harware issue.
betaflight sees the battery ok, so i dont think it’s power suppy issue per sae…

maybe the AIO just can’t run the motors you are currently using but that seems unlikely tbh , do you have some other slightly larger motors to try running ? i know that the neutronRC AIO’s have a hard time driving certain motors perhaps this maybe an issue that tunerc has in common ?

it’s a esc setting i do not understand
Motors not compatible for a reason i do not understand
i did somehting wrong which i do not understand

i feel there is common thread here…
wait to hear back from tunerc/unmannedtech - they probably be able to help (at least with the first 2 options)

Here is the official reply from TuneRC:

The default ESC firmware preflashed to Poly F405 V1.2 AIO is Bluejay V0.21.0, the default minimum start up power is 1024 and the maximum start up power is 1020. The start up power value is a bit low for 11xx and 12xx motors. So this might cause some small motors don’t spin up properly.

The solution to solve this issue is to increase the start up power in the ESC configurator.
Please check out the article below to see how to set up the startup power and motor idle.

Please keep me updated if the solution above is helpful.

Kind Regards


Unmanned Tech Support

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Hi Alex,

I have increased the min and max startup power by 10 (both) - and the motors now work! THANK YOU!

it might be completely unrelated… but now im having trouble with the ELRS… TX binds to RX (i flashed it earlier with the passphrase, so it just connects)… but that’s where it ends… betaflight does not recognise inputs and i cannot setup ARM function…
tried flashing elrs again… but it now says “cannot detect RX target”… i flashed last week - nothing changed on my pc or the drone. the only thing that changed was flashing FC firmware on Friday and changing the 2 esc settings… i updated all the drivers again, but nothing…

Do you know what it could be? i feel i am missing somehting very simple…
i’ll try again later today… but not sure that attempt no 42 would make a difference…

Thank you

Kind regards,

Hi Alex,

Please ignore the second half of my previous response… after i flashed the FC firmware… i set the ELSR to UART 1 - it’s wired to UART5… So it didn’t work properly…

So… to summarize…

  • I am an idiot (it was never in dispute)
  • You are a legend - fixed my motor issues - THANK YOU
  • I am very impressed with this support facility and regret i did not know about it earlier…

Once again, thank you!

Haha, not a problem we have all been there pulling our hair out only to find its a simple setting like that causing all the hassles!

Happy to hear you got it sorted!

Kind Regards


Unmanned Tech Support

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