[Order #710736] (11/12/2024) AxisFlying Manta pro - Motors wont spin!

Hia team. - the weathers warming up, so I thought I’d get the Manta 5 pro out and make it ready to fly.
Before I remember I had a bit of a faff wrapping my head around binding ELRS with the TX16s (bit new to this). Got that done. Inputers show in Betaflight and I mapped commands through the mixer.
Trys to arm the quad, and nothing.

This idiot, then tries updating the firmware first to fix it. Upon realising the commands are different, I go back to the original version- reload the CLIs from Axisflying and get back to where I was -; only after checking the manual (a last resort for me)_ it says use bidirectional DSHOT with ESC_SENSOR checked. It doesn’t seem to like that - as somthings not reporting teletry and with that, all motors show with 100% Error

All signs report that the FC isnt reporting to the ESC - all motors show 100% error the motors still wont spool up in the tab using the sliders…

Ive been at this for a good 8 hours, trying different things, researching - trying other firmwares - taking the top off, checking the capacitor isnt blown…

Can you provide a default config, tell me where to poke a multimixer to test the boards are ok or are able to give me a rundown of what everything should be set as? As even following the manual has failed me!
I can’t find much out there for this model to go on and don’t want to have to send it back without trying everything first. Id rather isolate a component and replace it as I’d learn more from that, than just throwing in the towel. Lol

I did a continuity test and all motors had continuity from the positive terminal except for one - so; I ordered a new ESC from Unmannedtechstore as my gut told me it was that; ive opened it up and here.

ah well, crash course in drone building I guess. Cheaper for me in the long run.