Order #713436 - Dji O4 Air - Faulty o4 with vibration

Order Number: 713436
Product Name: Dji O4 Air
Brand: DJI
I have already filled in this exact form
Im not sure what else to add
I’vedone everything possible
Soft mounting hard mount camera

Making sure nothing touches the board

Pid tuning the drone
Using 48khz frequency

Hi good day,

Thanks for reaching out to us!

Sorry to hear about this. DJI have asked that we direct all technical questions directly to them directly as they have technical support agents available 7 days a week to assist you via live chat, phone support, or ticket based support. If they cannot resolve your issue remotely they will assist by arranging to get the product replaced/refunded via their UK/EU repair centre local to you (including sending you a prepaid postage label).

You can find all their support contact information via the DJI app, or you can contact them directly:

  • Phone support +44 2076603037 Mon-Sun 8:00 - 16:00 (UTC+0)

  • Live Chat - https://support-chat.dji.com/?channelKey=eu_sp1&lang=en&from=supportpage

  • DJI Support page - https://www.dji.com/uk/support, scroll down to product support and select your product for more help.
    That said we are still more than happy to help you if you prefer to deal directly this us, we are only suggesting you talk directly with DJI rather that us acting as the middle man. Also if you do have any issues or frustrations dealing with DJI, please let us know so we can step in and talk with DJI on your behalf.

Hope this helps.
If there is anything else I can help with please do let me know?


Unmanned Tech Support