Order #716150 - Flywhoo Fly Lens 75 04 - No video feed in goggles

Order Number: 716150
Product Name: Flywhoo Fly Lens 75 04
Brand: Flywhoo
I’ve flown 3 flights now no issues today I did one pack flew landed and put new fresh battery in it was saying looking for signal no signal detect and I though ok maybe lost it’s bind so I rebind and it won’t re bind I brought it home flashed again both 04 pro au and goggles 3 at first I got odd screen then black screen then red bar at bottom saying no signal it’s don’t this all the time now I’ve checked my goggles on my 03 au and avata 2 no issues
I’ve re flashed firmware on both goggles and 04 pro au and I’ve put new batteries in I’ve checked my goggles against an avatar 2 and 03 unit both work perfect


I have sent a request over to Flywoo to get their feedback and suggestions as it would seem we have another customer with their Flylens 85 who has basically the exact same issue as you. So we should be able to figure this out and get it resolved for you!

Order #716078 - Flywoo Flylens 85 - Flylens85 04 pro bkack screen - Help / Unmanned Tech - DroneTrest

Also in the meantime if yoou can please add a video/photos showing the issue it can help to better understand the issue.

If you are not able to attach, you can use a service such as imgur.com and share the link here.

hi Alex sure ive actually been onto dji that was painful to say the least basically he wanted the code off the air unit told its in a bnf quad se said I can then steer you in the right direction told them I was onto you guys aswel the video and it will will not create a new re bid if you try too neither also during all the chaos of the picture you cannot formate internal storage as its just come up with error too

you can see its like its stuck in some mega low power setting but I fly fine on it today no issues

Flight Alex when landed I then put in next battery and that’s where it all went south

Thanks, just quick question, this issue looks like the issue is with the camera, or the connection to the camera. So if you could double check that its making a good contact that could help isolate the issue, as Ian from MadsRC noticed a similar issue with his O4:

And we also shared another comprehensive video here

All that to say, we should be able to get a replacement camera/cable to you if that is the cause of the issue, as another customer had the same issue as you, but they had a spare air unit, and after swapping the camera it was all working again.

We are chasing this up with Flywoo so will hopefully get a resolution for you soon.

hi I’ve already checked that as I tune into Ian channel every Sunday this is the pro version too and that issue Ians raised in daily the lite version

being honest id rather return the whole quad I don’t
want to start breaking down a quad I bought bnf that was the whole reason I bought is and the additional no way I can return it you look at it and take it form there its £400 paper weight atm

Hi Mark good day,

I can completely understand that, and again I am really sorry about the inconvenience this has caused. Please can you send it back and we can take this up with the manufacturers separately, while we get you sorted out.

Please return everything for the kit, box, packaging, any instructions or paperwork. And can I ask you let us know when you have sent it so we can be on the look out for it?

The official stuff is below:

Thank you for submitting your return request. An RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) has been created for your order.

You should receive an email shortly at the address associated with your order. This email will contain:

  1. Your RMA number

  2. A link to our RMA form

  3. Instructions for completing the return process

Please check your inbox (and spam folder) for this email. If you don’t receive it within the next hour, please let us know here.

Remember to complete the RMA form and initiate your return within 30 days. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in this thread

Hope this helps.
If there is anything else I can help with please do let me know?


Unmanned Tech Support

Morning David than you I bought 4 additional batteries for it to shall I keep hold of them or return them as with package ?

Kind regards Mark

ill keep hold of the batteries David all boxed up gets collected via RM tomorrow

Hi David please find the tracking info for the quad returned as per your advice hope we can this resolved one way or another kind regards Mark .


Hi Mark,

Thanks for providing the tracking info. We’ll look into this and keep you updated.

Let us know if there’s anything else we can assist with.


Isel :slightly_smiling_face:

Unmanned Tech

Hi just seeing if you have any updates please ?


We are just running a few more checks to see if we can resolve the issue, otherwise we do have replacements on the way form Flywoo to send one out as soon as they come in :slight_smile: We should have any update for you shortly. We have just had a few delays due to some internal server issues with our website so alot of us have been spending some time to resolve that issue (which is also why our website has a new look, as our old website theme was causing some memory leak issues slowing everything down)

Kind Regards


Unmanned Tech Support

Join our community at dronetrest.com, or on Discord.


Sorry about the delays in getting back to you, we are still waiting on our replacement stock to arrive, so as soon as it get here we can send you a new drone. They should get here in another week or so.

Otherwise since thee issue occurred within the first 30 days, we can issue a refund if you prefer? Just let me know.

Kind Regards


Unmanned Tech Support

Join our community at dronetrest.com, or on Discord.

Hi Alex I will wait for a replacement thank you it’s a great drone TBF .

Thanks once again Mark

Hi Any updates please ?


I am sorry about the constant delays with this replacement. We were told around 22 days ago that Flywoo shipped our order (which is why I previously said that we would get them in around a week), but it turns out the only shipped part of our order (just not thee Flylens 75) and after other communications with them have had some motor supply issues, but they should get the items sent out to us soon. So now the ETA is 24th March.

Given the constant delays, if you do prefer to order an alternative drone, I am happy to issue a refund for you instead, but otherwise the replacement will be sent out to you as soon as the new ones arrive!