Order #718141 - Sequre Sq-D60b Mini Soldering Iron Kit - Sensor Error (SE)

Order Number: 718141
Product Name: Sequre Sq-D60b Mini Soldering Iron Kit
Brand: Sequre
Sensor Error (SE)- First time I used it out the box, its got an error code. And it frequently and intermittently just stops working, so I can’t do any soldering.
I’ve tried to re-seat the tip and tension with allen key as per normal usage and tested several tips and cable variances but with the error code SE it suggest the issue is within the heating element?

Hi Jenni,

I’m really sorry to hear that you’re having trouble with your soldering kit. We’re here to help resolve this for you.

I have forwarded your concern to our supplier for assessment. If they confirm that the item is faulty, we will request a replacement to be sent to you. We just need to wait for their approval.

Thank you for your patience, and please let us know if you have any questions in the meantime.


Isel :slightly_smiling_face:

Unmanned Tech

How would you rate our customer service?

Hi Isel,

Thanks for your email.

Under the Consumer Rights Act 2015, goods should be of a satisfactory quality, fit for purpose and as described.

As the item I received is faulty, my rights have been breached, and I am entitled to a full refund. I will be returning the item within the 31-day period.

Could you please provide a postage label link for me to facilitate the return of order #718141.

I appreciate your assistance.

Thank you,
