Order Number: 719586
Product Name: Foxeer F405 V2 Flight Controller 8s
Brand: Foxeer
When I connect it with beta flight keeps on failing and no matter what i did says fails to connect
I disconnect all the ports and trying to just connect the board but nothing than I come across a Reddi for saying connect all the ports and the battery then connect the bit of light it should connect automatically but I guess it still failed
Hi good day,
Thanks for reaching out to us!
It sounds like there is an issue with your USB/ports, this is usually driver related, where one or both the drivers needed to connect to all flight controllers is not installed.
If you click on the betaflight app, without connecting a drone, you will see under the hardware tab on the “welcome” page a list of different links to click on, install both the CP210 and Zadig drivers and then reboot your PC. Then try connect to your drone again as normal.
This is a really detailed video that goes through all the basic setup:
Hope this helps.
If there is anything else I can help with please do let me know?
Unmanned Tech Support
I watched this exact video tried all the steps I even tried different laptops but no luck sadly
Hi good day again,
Would you be able to send me the order number and a short video demonstrating the issue and I will ask the manufacturer to assist?
Unmanned Tech Support
I already have sent pictures and videos showing what’s the issue
I’m getting very frustrated now. I’ve used all the MacBooks in my house. I found out macOS doesn’t need this CP210 or Zadig. Not for Mac. Your product is faulty. My order number 719586 I don’t have to go through this mess. I like a refund. I’m never again shopping off Unmanned Tech. So disappointed since I shop for you guys for so long.
Good morning Abdullah,
I am really sorry for the frustration with trying to get this FC to connect.
I have sent through the video and images, you have sent us to Foxeer, please can you give them a bit of time to look through what you have sent us and respond.
As soon as I hear back from them I will update.
Apologies again for the delay in getting this resolved, I will try to get this resolved for you as quickly as I can.
If there is anything else I can help with please do let me know?
Unmanned Tech Support
Good Morning Abdullah,
I received a response from Foxeer. They believe it could be the USB cable you are using which may not transfer data or is possibly damaged. If the cable works, you can confirm by plugging in another device to your mac to test, they suggest plugging in power to your quad while the USB is plugged in.
Please let me know if this helps?
Unmanned Tech Support
I have tried many different cables till today 4 computers macs and windows heck today I went to a library to try it but still again
Hi good morning,
I have let Foxeer know that it definitely is not PC/Mac or cable related. I have asked for their recommendations.
Will let you know once I hear back, I do apologies for the delay here.
Unmanned Tech Support
Sure I’m waiting I’ll rather it to work than buying another one