Order #ORDER (#UT-720640-WH/OUT/53835) - Nazgûl Eco - Binding controller to DJI remote

Order Number: ORDER (#UT-720640-WH/OUT/53835)
Product Name: Nazgûl Eco
Brand: iFlight RC
Controller won’t bind
I’ve binding the googles ok. Then tried the remote buy preeeed the bind button again on the googles and the remote. Then I tried the small button on receiver on craft.

Hi there, it sounds like you might be trying to bind both the goggles and the controller at the same time. Just to clarify, the correct order is to first bind the goggles to the air unit. Only after that’s done should you bind the FPV controller to your goggles.

Have you also made sure that your Goggles 3 and DJI FPV Controller 3 have the latest firmware installed? This is often a key step in the binding process.

For a detailed walkthrough, you can refer to this video:

Linking the Air Unit and Goggles:

  1. Ensure all devices are updated to the latest firmware.
  2. Power on the goggles and aircraft. The linking status indicator on the air unit should be red.
  3. Press the link button on the air unit. The linking status indicator will blink red.
  4. Press and hold the power button on the goggles until they beep continuously and the battery level LEDs blink.
  5. Once linking is successful, the air unit’s linking status indicator will turn solid green, the goggles will stop beeping, and the live view will be displayed.

Linking the Goggles and Remote Controller:

  1. Power on the remote controller.
  2. Press and hold the power button on the goggles until they beep and the battery level LEDs blink.
  3. Press and hold the power button on the remote controller until it beeps and the battery level LEDs blink.
  4. Once linking is completed, both the goggles and the remote controller will stop beeping and display the battery level.

Let me know if following these steps in the correct order helps!