Hi, Please your help in the following case.
I´ve built a Drone using OMNIBUS F4 OSD Controller, using Betaflight / STM32F405 (S405) 4.1.4 Feb 4 2020 firmware. I´ve been trying to configure FLySky transmitter and receiver but the system does not work.
Using BetaFlight configuration I can see the Receiver tab and I see the movements when I move the transmitter, but the motors don´t work.
I´ve configured ESX BHeli32 with DSHOOT600 and I can move them using BetaFlight Confiugration tool but when I connect the FlySky the motors do not move.
I´ve tested configuring the SBUS connection and UART6 using RX (RX6 - UART6 serial) point for connect the receiver and I got the same response.
Please, can anybody help me ?