Recently radiolink has announced a replacement to their AT9 radio, called the AT9S. The AT9S is planned to replace the AT9 completely towards the end of this year and from the features it seems to be a great alternative to the Frsky Taranis (if you dont care so much about the open source awesomeness of the taranis software).
I often fly with the radiolink AT9 radio and find it to have all the features I need from a radio, it does even have telemetry however it is still not fully supported with Ardupilot or cleanflight, there is some work currently to get it working with both APM and Cleanflight and once it is fully supported the gap between the AT9S and Taranis will be very tiny indeed.
Currently the new AT9S is planned to retail for around $145 with a receiver. This is considerably cheaper when considering a taranis which retails for around $225 with a receiver.
I will be getting my hands on the radiolink AT9S in a few weeks, but for now where is the comparison between AT9 and the new AT9S
What do you think? Would you consider getting one instead of a taranis?
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Hi Folks,
I bought the Radio Link AT10 system and being very new to the RC world, I have had trouble trying to use it with a APM 2.8 board. Mostly I think that I was the problem, not knowing how to setup the xmtr to control the APM FC.
I changed over to the Naza 32 Board and figured out how to program the xmtr and the board is preforming pretty well, But I am using PWM right now and so not so easy to setup GPS and OSD plus led board. You can use S-Bus by using a R9DS receiver instead of the R10DS receiver but not really enough ports. Just ordered the R9DS receiver so not sure how it all will play together yet. Steep learning curve but keeps the mind sharp!
Hey, the R9DS is my favorite receiver for the AT9 as its small and can output either SBUS or PPM, or PWM. Just makes sure its the R9DS, and not the R9D. To swap between PPM and SBUS you just press the button and the LED will change to red/blue… but i cant recall off hand which colour is for PPM, if you cant figure it out just let me know and I will l check on my quad.
Hi Alex,
The R9DS just showed up today! Only thing is that I should have ordered 2 of them!! I have a second build that I am gathering parts for, a 700mm quad. I still need motors and props and a receiver. I just ordered a NAZE32 REV6 10DOF Flight Controller as I have the Rev5 installed on my Tarot 680Pro hex-copter. I am going to put the Rev6 on the Hex-copter and the Rev5 on the quad. I have had good luck using Clean Flight GUI over the Mission Planner for the APM 2.8 boards.
Would you have a link to a manual for R9DS to be able to get it working on PPM? I saw somewhere on changing the led to the blue for S-Bus, but didn’t know about it working on PPM. Painless360 on YouTube has a nice series videos on the Naza32 board.
Looking forward to getting all this stuff setup on the big Hex copter, Its a kick watching it fly, and seeing how fast and how much power that it has, verse its weight ( right now little over 4.6 pounds ).
Have a good week.
You will not need to buy 2 transmitters (only 2 receivers, 1 comes with transmitter) as you can set the AT9S to communicate with the 2 seperate drones that you have, i own the Quanum Nova and also a drone using the APM2.8 flight controller and have no problems switching between the two.
Hi Guys,
I think that I did not clarify well enough, I have A Radio Link AT10 system but the Receiver that comes with the AT-10 only does PWM so the reason for ordering the R9DS receiver. I think that I saw that it will work with the AT 10 xmtr, Will find out later this week.
Sorry about the confusion.
Hi Alex,
Long Delay in reply, life gets in the way of the hobby’s Hi. I did get the Radio link R9DS receiver and it linked up with AT-10 xmtr just fine and on PWM, but when I down loaded the Manual ( I use that term very loosely ) No info about it doing PPM, just S-Bus and PWM. Any Help would be great. I also have bought a Rev -6 Naza32 board, but have not had time to play with it yet. It looks like it has a separate 5V power input unlike the Rev-5 board which was powered by 5V from one of the escapements. Keeps you on your toes.
I did get in about a 10 min flight on my Tarot 680 pro using the Naza 32 full board rev-5. I am very impressed by this power, My thumb twitched and the drone gained about 300 foot of height very fast, took abit to bring it down slowly. Its not fully setup yet, still have to add a gimbal and Go Pro camera along with the FTP video xmtr and GPS. Right now its at 4.6LBs weight.
Anyway enough of my rambling. Thanks for all the info on this site, it sure helps all of us new guys.
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