I am trying to set this Revenger 55 up in BetFlight according to the instructions that came with it. First, it is preconfigured for SkyFly, not DSM2/x. I am not able to get the receiver type SPEKTRUM2048. It constantly reverts back to SPEKTRUM 1024 after reboot. ESC/protocol is blank etc. It can bind but receiver only sees AER, no T or AUX.
Would appreciate some help and advice.
Thanks in advance for your assistance.
Are you using the latest verion of the betaflight GUI, while still running the factory firmware on the FC? If this is the case then it will probably be a good idea to update to the latest firmare first, as sometimes using mismatched GUI and firmware causes some settings to not save properly.
For the teenycube you need to select OMNIBUS as the firmware target
I have also attached the manual for the FC and reciever that will hopefully help.
- Teenycube FC Manual.pdf (545.5 KB)
- Teenycube DSM RX Manual.pdf (496.1 KB)
Let me know if you still have any problems!