Hey, everyone.
As of now, I have an SP Racing F3 board with 4.0.6 BetaFlight firmware that was flashed on the unit using Demonstrator GUI and BetaFlight Firmware Updater to verify that it was working properly. I’m able jump into Boot, add the firmware, and get a ‘flash successful’ message.
However, once I reboot the unit, I immediately get the red flashing lights of 1short-4long.
The unit shows up using the correct COM port/Baud Rate, but after 10 seconds, BetaFlight closes the port due to no response.
I am hoping that someone here is able to see this over the mountain of requests to help them flash their device.
Again, flash is good, but doesn’t boot normally after a successful firmware flash.
Thank you in advance
Have you tried flashing via betaflight, never had a problem with a spracing f3.
just try above see if it works. the only thing you may need to do is reduce to 57 or 38 baud rate my F3s seem to flash better when slowed down.
Good morning, Dale!
I attempted flashing the SPRacing F3 using three different Baud rates on BetaFlight.
The same actions always happen:
The unit goes through a successful flash every time. (Programming: SUCCESSFUL)
Even though the ‘No Reboot Sequence’ is on, the unit still immediately reboots upon completion.
The unit immediately start the blinking of 1 long - 4 short LED error codes.
Thank you
is this a new board or old, was it flying ok before firmware update???. if old did you flash in quad or remove, does it get hot when plugged in.
Could this be a usb problem? I myself had problems connecting my fc to betaflight, wouldn’t connect to my drone until I downloaded the latest usb drivers. Like zadig stm usb vcp driver and cp210x these are listed in your betaflight welcome menu.