Taranis QX7 🎮 vs Jumper T8SG V2 Plus Comparison

Frsky radios are by far the most popular brand in the FPV hobby, they offer great performance at a great price along with an excellent selection of receivers. Just about every buying guide suggests you get a Frsky radio, and I don’t disagree with that. Jumper radios, on the other hand, offer infinite compatibility thanks to their 4in1 radio module. This means you can use just about any receiver with your radio, including FRsky gear. Recently the T8SG has been updated to use significantly better parts so how does it compare to the Taranis QX7? Read on to find out.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.unmanned.tech/taranis-qx7-vs-jumper-t8sg-v2-plus-comparison/