Tinyhawk3 usb connector fell off

has anyone encountered this problem with the tinyhawk 3,the usb connector has come away from the mainboard,i have only had this kit just over a week.

We have had this happen occasionally with our customers over the years, but to be honest they are pretty fragile given that they are only held in place by some solder, and that they are mounted vertically on the FC which increases the moment when trying to connect/remove the USB cable when you are not pulling or pressing exactly in-lineā€¦

Can you send a close up photo of the PCB? As if only the solder has come off without ripping off any of the pads, then its possible to resolder the USB back onto the PCB.

Also if its too hard to resolder the USB, there is also an alternative if you can find the correct pins on your flight controller as per this video tutorial:

hi there thank you for your quick reply,but i wont be trying to solder the pins back on the board on a drone thats only a week old,i hope the matter can be resolved by refunding my money or sending a replacement,this was caused by simply removing a usb cable,the same as i do with all my other drones which i have never had this happen with.Thank you

Just to update the thread for completeness, we have agreed to have the item returned back to us for further inspection and replacement/refund under RMA #130433.