I ordered TheFPV Source - Analog FPV Freestyle Quadcopter Kit × 1 I am unsure if it comes with the transmitter and the battery. If not then will any transmitter work with it and will any battery work with it or is there a list of ones or types I should be getting.
Hi good day,
Thanks for reaching out to us!
Please can you send my your order number so I can confirm this for you?
If there is anything else I can help with please do let me know?
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Unmanned Tech Support
Hi beneath is my order number.
[Order #709816)
Hi Jonathan good day,
Thanks for reaching out to us!
The kit you bought is for the miniquad only. You will receive everything in the image below:
I would recommend something from RadioMaster for the controller using ELRS:
As for batteries anything in the 1100 -1300mAh range is good for most flying and freestyle:
I would strongly recommend going with ELRS for your communication protocol, its open source and extremely progressive and out-competes everything else on the market. The kit comes with the EP1 which is for ELRS aswell.
Hope this helps.
If there is anything else I can help with please do let me know?
Unmanned Tech Support
Thank you so much I will purchase those items as well is there anything I will need to be able to build and fly this drone ?
Hi Jon good day,
I’m not sure exactly wht you do and don’t have, but I’ve listed an up to date list of equipment you might need if you are starting from nothing but a work bench:
If you don’t already have the rest, we recommend the following to get started:
- Charger: SkyRC e680 1-6S Charger (Single Channel) OR SkyRC D100 Neo 2-6S Charger (Dual Channel)
- Radio: Radiomaster Pocket (ELRS, NOT CC2500) OR Radiomaster Zorro (ELRS, NOT 4-in-1)
- Goggles: EV800D OR Emax Transporter II OR BetaFPV VR03
If you don’t have any tools, this is what we suggest
- Sequre SQ-001 65W Portable Soldering Iron Kit
- DroneBuildr Zip Tie / Cable Tie (Pack Of 20)
- DroneBuildr Wire Mesh Paracord Cable Sleeve (for your motor wires)
- Vifly ShortSaver 2 Smart Smoke Stopper
- TheFPV 18pc Drone Tool Kit
- DroneBuildr 100pcs 10cm Heat Shrink Tube Kit
This list I just updated, and is our recommended list for all our build-it kits.
If you get stuck or need help with specifics just shout!
Hope this helps.
If there is anything else I can help with please do let me know?
Unmanned Tech Support