Vifly Beacon Drone Buzzer Has stopped working properly

Order Number: UT-688347
Product Name: Vifly Beacon Drone Buzzer
Brand: ViFly
Unit has stopped working properly. I tested the unit by switching it on and leaving it in a stationary position for several minutes but it did not enter the alarm phase or start flashing or beeping as it did before.Unit
I tested the unit by switching it on and leaving it in a stationary position for several minutes but it did not enter the alarm phase or start flashing or beeping as it did before.

Hi Andy,

We’ve reached out to the manufacturer regarding this issue, and they’ve responded with the following;

“It is normal, we changed the program, the old version will get into alarm status after staying still for 5 mins, it will cause an issue that it will beep when the quad is flying in the sky as current DJI quads are very stable, so we changed the time from 5 mins into 30 mins in the new version. We think 30 mins is also okay when your drone is crashed.”

Are you able to test to confirm this behaviour is as they claim?

Apologies for the delay getting back to you - we were not aware of any changes to this product hence we also believed this to be a fault at first and reached out to Vifly to confirm.