hey @UMT_Support anyone got the actual cli VTX table for this :
Its only got the pic of it on the page.
hey @UMT_Support anyone got the actual cli VTX table for this :
Its only got the pic of it on the page.
Here is the vtx table for this vtx:
Just cope paste thar into the CLI and type save to apply it to your betaflight fc
vtxtable channels 8
vtxtable band 1 BOSCAM_A A FACTORY 5865 5845 5825 5805 5785 5765
5745 5725
vtxtable band 2 BOSCAM_B B FACTORY 5733 5752 5771 5790 5809 5828
5847 5866
vtxtable band 3 BOSCAM_E E FACTORY 5705 5685 5665 0 5885 5905 0 0
vtxtable band 4 FATSHARK F FACTORY 5740 5760 5780 5800 5820 5840
5860 5880
vtxtable band 5 RACEBAND R FACTORY 5658 5695 5732 5769 5806 5843
5880 5917
vtxtable powerlevels 2
vtxtable powervalues 0 1
vtxtable powerlabels 25 200```