This is hello from scandinavia.
Do You have any news about Walkera publishing its GCS APP for IOS ?
Local reseller mentioned that it might be mon 15th but it could be sales talk…
Few qetions before I return my X4 to shop.
Has anyone succesfully paired BT-2402 with iPAD ?
Is X4 fully functional with the older F12 -type radio ?
Yes walkera are publishing an IOS GCS App, I have been told that it is going through the iTunes application approval process so it should be ready soon.
I am sure this is possible as its just a standard bluetooth device, but I have not personaly tried right now as there is no IOS app and I mainly use Android devices.
Yes you can use all features with the F12 Radio except for the follow me feature, and you will not be able to click on a map to fly to a point from the Devo F12. But other than that you can still fully control the scout X4 from the radio, and also view the live video feed.