I have a problem with my snail system, when I arm the motors, they all start spining, but when I just touch a little motor 2 and 4, they stop working. Motors 1 and 3 are not having this problem. Like 4 days ago I had a problem that I wrongly polarized the ESCs (the ESCs connected to motors 2 and 4), I had smoke, but the ESCs still work. When I put on the props, the motors 2 and 4 are not spinning. Also, when I try to spin the motors manually, the motors 2 and 4 are spinning smoother than 1 and 3 when Im connected with my battery. Feels like the motors 1 and 3 are “premagnetized” and they are spinning not that smoothly as 2 and 4, because the 2 and 4 are not “premagnetized”. So should I replace the ESCs or what should I do? By the way, sorry for my english skills, im not a good english speaker.
Here is a video of the problem:
My build:
PDB : Matek XT-60
FC: Naze32
ESCs: DJI Snail 430-R
MOTORS: DJI Snail 2305 Motor
RX: Spektrum 4648